Page 98 - fahed el salam-EN-WEB

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the Holy Roman Empire, where the absence of a penal law
was a justification for the tyranny of the religious people
(clergy) and their terrible despotism by struggling against
mind and confronting those who call for it. In addition and
after the demise of the rule of church, the influence of the
teachings of Jesus Christ has declined for the benefit of
man-made laws that have worked to fill the gap resulting
from the lack of divine laws.
After the decrease in the impact of the Christian teach-
ings on the basis of Western cultures composition, espe-
cially after those communities adopted man-made ​​laws
which are mostly legislated by the power to be capable of
governing fragile people, as a result, materialis m domi-
nated on the course of events and "individualism" a nd
"selfishness"overpowered. This resulted in the di s integra-
tion of family which represents the social unit even that the
sociologists and thinkers critically noticed tha t this phe-
nomenon which influenced the individuals and communi-
ties, had increased due to the scientific development and in-
dustrial achievements since they strived for technology and
industrial achievements and did not have enough time to
meditate, think, and calm down. What aggravated matters
that these industrial communities terribly rushed for wars
since war became a current situation that has i ts respec-
tive fields and domains. Whenever war fades in one place,