Page 52 - fahed el salam-EN-WEB

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interaction is simple and crucial depending on the evolution
of the means of production, communication, and mainte-
nance of stability.
Therefore, the Europeans had a great opportunity to start
the era of colonialism after they succeeded in the industrial
field and were capable of producing the terrible war ma-
chine. Thus, they were able to dominate the entire world
and unfortunately, this young powerful "Civilization"has
lost its connection with the spirit, and abandoned the warm
human emotions when materiality has prevailed. Conse-
quently, it was transformed from the "Colonization"that
aims at defending people and leading them to the age of
enlightenment that was the slogan of the French Revolution
namely freedom, fraternity and equality that were possible
objectives for the Western colonial campaigns, into exploit-
ing people’ wealth, stealing their fortunes and intending to
stir intolerance and religious fanaticism and stimulate strife
and wars among oppressed people.
The Machiavellianism is the best scheme to manage is-
sues after the western world has totally terminated its rela-
tion with the divine power, and was immersed in its ma-
terialism and arrogance. Then, it proceeded to impose its
morals, patterns of behavior, and ways of living on the na-
tions, whether those directly compliant to its power or oth-
ers that are influenced by its announcements which enforce