Page 51 - fahed el salam-EN-WEB

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lowed giving the civilization and taking from it since it is
humanitarian in the first place. If civilization existed in a
specific place, then it is not necessarily confined and inac-
tive in spite that the scientist who works on building the
fastest train in Japan or Unites States does not remem-
ber the suffering of the developer of steam power "James
Watt"in Britain, since "James Watt"wouldn’t either be able
to remember that primitive somewhere in the world who
was unintentionally capable of extracting from dry herbs
fire that consists of fuel.
The same thing happened with the technician who man-
ufactured large amounts of crystal so that he forgot that a
Phoenician woman in the city of Tyre has exaggerated in
burning fire inside her fireplace, made of sandstones and
noticed that the sandstone has transformed into a valuable
object which was later named "glass".
On this basis, the memory of the engineers of auto plants
in Detroit no longer appreciate that a Babylonian carpenter
on the shores of the Euphrates in Iraq feels enthusiastic af-
ter building, by coincidence, the first wooden wheel for the
wagon of the King.
"Civilization, in a similar manner is born and raised and
then it devolves to disappear…"Civilization does not dis-
appear but it takes another form by another group and this