Page 53 - fahed el salam-EN-WEB

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pragmatism or the utilitarian philosophy as a final target for
any task and any achievement.
In order to find markets for its products, the west used to
accelerate the production process, which only aims at earn-
ing profit so that technology became the ultimate alternative
of ideologies. Therefore, the meditation processes have de-
clined and all the connections related to spirit and religions,
including noble humanitarian ideals that organized the rela-
tion between individuals, have been terminated. Moreover,
the fatiguing pursuit to catch up with the achievements of
the industry exhausted the citizens all over the world. As a
result, man had insufficient time to enjoy life and the cries
erupted against the drawbacks of technology that surpass
the material gains it provided.
Based on the aforementioned, we can acknowledge the
universality of civilization and humanity since it is an in-
tegrated foundation that is constantly evolving. Civiliza-
tion does not totally comply with Ibn Khaldun’s sayings:
observing the other side of the issue through comparison:
when the Arab and Muslims had the opportunity to catch
their breath and integrated on a comprehensible principle,
gaining the components of power, they emerged openly into
the world and did not have the same targets of the Euro-
pean colonialism which aimed at exploiting and stealing the
wealth of nations and provoking dissension and strife.
Arabs, when unified by Islam, they owned the great-