Page 41 - fahed el salam-EN-WEB

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Some have defined general knowledge as what remains
in human mind after forgetting everything which denotes
that knowledge has taken the form of the memory reservoir
which reflects a truthful behavior and high treatment so as
culture is an ancient inheritance that moves between gen-
erations in social customs, literary and scientific output, and
religious heritage. Hence, our Arabic culture was based on
the principle of saying which means that we, as Arab, con-
tinued living with this heritage as if it was accomplished at
this current age. Thus, they wrote about it and the Arab po-
etry remained the skeleton of culture and actually became
the source of culture which preserved our language and en-
riched our knowledge.
Arab wrote poetry to express their love. They wrote
poetry to fight, and to devout to Allah. Furthermore, they
boasted by means of poetry until this art became the di-
wan of Arab through which they chronicled their victories,
shelved their trade and science and shaped their morals and
laws. Poetry has intensified the determination of their fight-
ers and horsemen. Arab revealed their fondness and aston-
ished their lovers using poetry as well.
In this way, poetry became everything in the life of those
people who had desert as their fertile ground and cruelty of
nature as their dwelling. This art preserved its flame subse-
quent to the noble Prophet mission. It acted and interacted