Page 33 - fahed el salam-EN-WEB

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Buddha who represented the religious philosophy of which
love, forgiveness, gentle behavior, and charity for poor re-
sulted from his teachings. He left wealth and luxury and
led an austere and rigid life. Moreover, he submitted a sys-
temic analysis for the nature of suffering and its causes and
assured various means to conquer this suffering and over-
come it.
Buddhism represents relatively simple teachings and is
easily assimilated because it encloses many principles of
equality, freedom and promoting justice. Buddha believes
that there is no difference between the bodies of a prince or
a beggar as there is no difference between their spirits.
In China, Confucian teachings comprised the same slo-
gan "love for yourself what you love for others". This slo-
gan seeks for promoting justice and peace since Confucius
has founded moral and social beliefs that were written by
his students in a book called "Anthology". The basic ideas
of Confucius could be concluded as follows:
(A person should be almsgiver to the maximum extent
and the qualities such as unselfishness, respecting others,
good manners, loyalty for family, and fidelity for the prince
are all the characteristics of a gracious good man who does
not complain about the time of adversity and is bold and
clear in the matter of right.)