Page 27 - fahed el salam-EN-WEB

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Based on this goal, we insist on pursuing the work will-
ing to extend the role of dialogue among all communities.
The main aim would be to establish fraternal and humani-
tarian relationship between all the components of the hu-
manitarian society. This is achieved through harmonization
between theory and practice, respecting laws through sig-
nature and enforcement, promoting values, and contribut-
ing to humanitarian activities linked to spreading democ-
racy, freedom, dignity, and justice.
All this falls within the dialogue among civilizations due
to the adoption of the accurate definition for the general
concepts such as democracy, freedom, cooperation and in-
tegration in an era where the definitions of these concepts
interfered, varied until they became seemingly meaning-
less. Therefore, this center had to define clearly these mean-
ings using its acknowledged transparency.
This has been only achieved by virtue of the center frame-
work of joint action with activists from all cultures, various
countries, and several political, environmental, and social
systems. Moreover, it includes a group of highly responsi-
ble curators and pledges to stay committed to respecting the
provisions on which defense of freedom is based. There-
fore, the center was considered at the forefront of civil soci-
ety institutions and added to the international NGOs, which
was a great achievement for favoring dialogue.