Page 26 - fahed el salam-EN-WEB

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a pattern of universal conduct exceeding in its dimensions
the ethnic, sexual and religious affiliations. In addition, it
enables the launching of public and individual freedoms
and freedom of association achieving equality among citi-
zens regardless of their gender, religion, language, or race.
Most importantly, the state must separate the authorities,
and provide independence to judiciary power in order to
fulfill justice.
The solutions stated before should be supported by the
organizations and institutions of the society in such coun-
tries, taking into consideration their needs and charac-
teristics so that they are commensurate with the level of
awareness resulting from the Arab youth alertness and will-
ingness to have an actual democratic regime. Indeed, the
current situation requires the presence of bodies that work
on implementing democracy and establishing it on firm
basis which necessitates exerting local efforts within each
state, supported by civil society organizations.
The Arab youth endure so many troubles and life con-
cerns. Thus, we should focus on the production sector as
some governments in our Arab World have failed to achieve
the optimal utilization of resources which motivates us as
a non-governmental association to help governments and
draw their attention to the necessity of implementing effec-
tive political reforms.