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to choose his ruling method and the quality of his represen-
tatives in the authority or guarantee his interests and pre-
serve his own rights. Therefore, the equality in rights and
obligations is guaranteed for all and the observance of the
election results as a logical acceptable consequence as was
the case in ancient Greece. Hence, we should note that this
early period of time in human history produced this type of
governance and became in the current era a final alternative
for all the regimes known in the world in spite of its defects
one of which is that the majority is not real as long as it is
not the economically majority of people.
The encyclopedia of Rosenthal includes various forms of
democracy such as the western capitalist democracy based
on the formal basis of equality and insurance of the rights
of people apart from the existing economic conditions and
factual situation of things.
Whatever the case may be, the forms of democracy have
changed as they were obviously influenced by the historical
development mainly in stratified systems where people are
not given all their rights in many institutions attributed to
Along with the so-called bourgeois democracy known in
the West and currently publicized, there are many nomina-
tions for democracy, such as the socialist democracy stated in