Page 215 - fahed el salam-EN-WEB

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you are safe and supplied with power whereas our King acts
unjustly and undoubtedly remains watchful and afraid".
Therefore, the justice of Umar ensured his safety and
guaranteed the safety of the state and the citizen since he
fought against corruption which is a social disease that cor-
rupts the subjects and causes the degradation of the state.
After justice, that is usually the first victim of corruption,
fades away and corruption is an integral part, hence the cor-
ruptor cannot be a corrupted person here and a righteous
person there.
As long as we are discussing justice which is at the fore-
front of the corruption victims, thus we should remember
that the first corruptors are the ones who support and take
into consideration their family and tribe members and give
them what is not of their right and turn a blind eye to what
could have been committed by those who recourse to him.
As if Caliph Umar came to the climax of fairness when
he was told to give his son the caliphate, then he said: "Not
two of Khattab family will be held accountable".
Moreover, Umar who uncompromisingly fought against
corruption was the harshest on himself and his family when
he told his wife that he confined his salary to fifteen dinars
and returned ten dinars to the treasury. This brief talk can-
not discuss all the aspects in the life of this man defending