Page 214 - fahed el salam-EN-WEB

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a fair judge who do not fear the blame of a critic, and do not
take into consideration a relative for his kinship or a friend
for his friendship and the Prophet sought to be an example
so that Muslims would pursue his model and method.
The Prophet who does not follow desire took an oath
to say the truth in defense to justice without prejudice or
equivocation when he said:"I swear to Allah that if Fatima
has stolen, I would have cut off her hand".
In this way the ruler should be free of desire far from
compliance and abidance. Moreover, with the passage of
time, and after the death of the Prophet , his virtuous com-
panions followed his footsteps and modeled after him, thus
justice was the quality that many of them pursued. Since the
subject does is very significant , we should shed the light on
two of these companions whom justice was, with respect
to them, a principle of behavior and a logic of thought and
Caliph Umar (May Allah be pleased with him) comes at the
forefront of these companions…, by virtue of his great at-
tachment to justice, he was called "Al Farouk"which means
the person who distinguishes truth from falsehood… and
he ensured the safety of religion and life within the state
and we mention his story when the Roman messenger came
to visit him and asked about him, then he was told: he is
outside the state and when he saw him lying without guard-
ianship, he said his famous word:"You govern justly, thus