Page 202 - fahed el salam-EN-WEB

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country originate from Islam and comply with its teachings
and all people in this state are subject to the dictations of
the law of Islam in the educational curriculum, patterns of
behavior and judgment characteristics.
As the Constitution of the State of Kuwait is extremely
compatible with the tolerant faith, it was consistent with the
dictations of the tolerance of this religion and the recom-
mendations of keenness for human values ​and ethics and at
the same time it guarantees the differentiation of authorities
setting for each authority its patterns of influence, field of
work, and nature of its tasks.
Since the Prince is the guardian of the Constitution and
the strong hand ensuring that the aforementioned is not
compromised or the safety of its implementation is not
challenged; Since he is entrusted with the constitution, his
hand all the authorities combine, all the tasks gather and
rights and freedoms are devoted, thus the Constitution does
not dissimilar from him since it is capable of protecting the
country because it is the source of power and capturer of
As the Ruler, Sultan, king or prince is characterized by
power and possesses the capabilities of the state, he was
committed to choose his retinue from loyal people and his
government from dedicated people who are trustworthy be-