Page 200 - fahed el salam-EN-WEB

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ger addressed to the Caliph Omar Ibn al-Khattab (May Al-
lah be pleased with him) comes to mind when he saw him
lying in the shade of palm trees, safe and reassured, then he
said his famous statement:
O Umar… you govern justly, thus you are safe and sup-
plied with power whereas our King acts unjustly and un-
doubtedly remains watchful and afraid.
In addition, a statement is attributed to Imam Ali (A.S.)
in which he describes the just ruler as follows:"would I
agree on being called the Emir of the believers (Amir El-
Momeneen) if I do not share with people the misfortunes of
the eon…
Throughout the ages and the development of communi-
ties, the nature of the Emir or ruler was characterized by
power and authority especially when his position became
supported by the means of power or capability. Therefore,
he was named as "Sultan"and this word was granted to
the ruler and Emir who possessed authority hence he was
known by these descriptions stated in the Holy Quran
which meanings have varied yet still meant ownership,
domination, and power, and the Irrefutable proof is hege-
mony and domination, thus people have no power over him
and no person can refuse his adjudication. Furthermore,
the world "Sultan"was stated in many locations in the Holy