Page 172 - fahed el salam-EN-WEB

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is one of those who dedicated human rights in Hilf Al-Fudul
before he emerged as a Prophet …
The west forgot or attempted to forget that Mohammad
has urged to seek knowledge and called for thought even
in creating heavens and earth and preferred knowledge to
ignorance and thought to absurdity at the time the west was
mired in its ignorance and darkness…
Jews forgot or attempted to forget the time when Europe
was powerless while they were subject to maltreatment,
murder and disrespect, thus they financed Christopher Co-
lumbus trips in order to find a resort to shelter them when
they had no one to protect them from the oppression of Eu-
ropeans and Arab embraced them in Andalusia and opened
their houses and hearts to them. Therefore, the west His-
torians said: "the world has not known a conqueror more
merciful than Arab".
The western world has forgotten that the Prophet is the
establisher of this mercy and he was capable of implanting
it in the hearts of the Arabs characterized by kindness and
known for compassion.
The west forgot or attempted to forget that the religion of
Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) is the protector of the East-
ern Christians and recognized their sanctities, believed in
their book, and admitted that they more attributed to it and