Page 171 - fahed el salam-EN-WEB

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the level of sarcasm, dissipation, and absurdity in the belief
that it can diminish through this the head of Islamic virtues
and the source of its greatness, i.e. Prophet Mohammad.
All the previously stated took place after the Islamic awak-
ening started acknowledging its way towards real freedom
and searching for its lost dignity and stolen rights…
Definitely, diminishing Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)
does not mean personal humiliation as much as it aims at
blinding the eyes and sights regarding the history of the
muslims and the Arabs… This history rich in virtues and
achievements was incapable of affecting the human history
if Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has not granted life to it,
inflamed enthusiasm and moved humanity from the dark-
ness of ignorance to the light of knowledge.
Undoubtedly, the western mind ignored the achieve-
ments of this Prophet , veiled it, and extinguished its light.
In addition, it was threatened by the awakening of the mus-
lims; this awakening if it was entitled to capture the experi-
ence of its history, it should have rewritten it. Therefore,
the west and Zionist centers sought to prevent that, hence
they attacked the Prophet whom the history of the Arabs
and the muslims was amber of his flame and output of his
The west forgot or attempted to forget that Mohammad