Page 173 - fahed el salam-EN-WEB

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to the believers in his religion since they have priests and
monks and they are humble…
They forgot or attempted to forget that Mohammad is the
one who recognized the Ten Commandments, put them into
effect and defended them so they became by its virtue from
the rules and limits set by Allah which the muslims should
be committed to follow.
They want to extinguish the light of Allah…
It is undeniable to say: the same introductions give the
same output; nowadays we are witnessing defamation of
Prophet Mohammad in the same way whereby the Jaa-
hili people revolutionized against him. The western world
obliged by its regimes to abandon the Prophet has found
itself hostage to Infidel capitalism, power and tyranny since
utilitarianism has prevailed and each citizen has promot-
ed selfishness, thus family was disintegrated, and anxiety
dominated souls, thus it rushed towards violence, struck
wars and disseminated sedition between the people of the
world as a dedication to its own interests by strengthening
capital and steeling the wealth of people.
The muslims and Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)
There we are wreaking our wrath upon America and the
West; we demonstrate and fight the western institutions and
the embassies of their countries. Absolutely, we should con-