Page 16 - fahed el salam-EN-WEB

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As for the contribution of the Center in highlighting
these thorny topics, we are in real need for it so that we may
fill some of the gaps in our culture and regain our rights,
mainly education, rapprochement and dialogue. Since the
Center is at the beginning of the road, we are in an urgent
need for assistance from all parties. Such a need increases
with every step taken on the long way towards the ultimate
objective which has been facing a lot of difficulties, mainly
poor interaction with the idea of establishing a comprehen-
sive dialogue among civilizations.
In spite of all this, the Center has gained the trust of
many agencies. It is a trust based on the reason it is seek-
ing, and the potential great benefit it will achieve not only
for Kuwait, but also for the whole Arab and Islamic nations
now and in the future.
Therefore, it is surely to say that:
Had it not been for the war against our project, especial-
ly with regard to the media, it would have achieved a great
benefit despite all obstacles and stumbling blocks. This can
be attributed to the fact that the objective of the Center is
the pursuit for ideal citizenship, social solidarity, justice,
continuity, multiplicity and knowing civilizational identity,