Page 15 - fahed el salam-EN-WEB

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example, the media in the Arab World, in general, comes
under pressure from the ruling systems. Thus, it propagates
lies and always takes side with the projects of the corrupt.
Is not this enough to take us to more ignorance?
Given that the peoples, in contrast, were stubborn, firm
and challenging in sticking to their roots, potential public
rejection was increasing day after day as a prelude for the
eruption of conflicts with the authority, where contrast be-
tween the reality of the pressing and unyielding system and
the ambition of independence in choosing the political and
leadership perspectives which leads to a better life.
What is taking place nowadays is just the beginning,
i.e. these peoples, in this phase, are facing other elements
that challenge their status quo. These elements conflict with
these peoples in a way that renders them serious and out of
control at the same time.
They are serious because they are committed to their
stances, but out of control since they have not yet achieved
the stability sought by all world nations at all levels to pro-
vide security and peace for the society.
In this short introduction, we cannot but shed more light
on specific aspects of the overall situation in Kuwait in the
current extraordinary difficult phase, which coincides with
Arab crises in media, education and culture.