Page 155 - fahed el salam-EN-WEB

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the distance between lawful and unlawful narrows.
Globalization assimilates all the anti-Islam trends, theo-
ries, organizations and movements and all religions calling
for the ethics and values ​associated with justice and related
to divine teachings. Since globalization urges for the pursu-
ance of the western world culture, thus it is fast-spreading
and highly dangerous with respect to the Muslim communi-
ties and in particular Islam. This is because it aims at elim-
inating all civilizations and replacing them with absolute
globalism, justifying the a b andonment of communities’
privacy and elimination of the legacies of civilization and
traditional customs generat ion to generation and does not
devote reconciliation between nationalities and sects, but
on the contrary it seeks to eliminate all specific and incom-
prehensive aspects.
Globalization began by the universality and freedom of
trade so that the commercial exchange of goods would be
based on the law of the market. Thus, it demolishes the pro-
duction in developing countries and deprives them of food
security so they would remain linked and dependent upon
the power of the greedy capitalist states.
On the other hand, the World Bank used to require, in
order to help developing countries or cooperate with them,
the abolishment of life subsidies and withdrawal from the