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them from their citizenship rights and deal with all the orga-
nizations that branch out from it and hide behind organiza-
tions, such as Rotary, Lions, Freedom Brothers and many
other spectacular titles that revealmercy and cherish torment.
However secularism, as aforementioned, is the serious
danger on the religious and social values, thus we should
inevitably apprehend with regard to transactions without
allowing it to persist by reaching into the abandonment of
women to their modesty and decency and prevention of their
excessive participation in mixed sports teams, and internet
clubs and their persistent involvement in arts, conferences,
and clubs. In other words, we should prevent the western-
ization of women, avoid the excessive display of their im-
ages via media, promotions and advertisements, especially
during television deliberations and interviews that discuss
the relations between men and women in a vulgar and dis-
honorable way, expose intimate relationships between men
and women and disseminate pornography in magazines. We
should refuse the publishing of photographs of leaders and
their wives…
Within anti-secularism agenda, we must limit coeduca-
tion and mixed sport. Accordingly, we should reduce the
interaction of genders which involves Satan who encour-
ages immorality and threatens the safety of the community,
thus the issues of prohibition and permission decline and