Page 153 - fahed el salam-EN-WEB

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lectuals of the west abandoned religion and leaned towards
to secularism to liberate themselves from the influence of
clergy and attain liberty. Therefore, plenty of intellectuals
and educated people were influenced by the West as west-
ern intellectuals revolted against the church. Therefore, the
Arab and Muslim intellectuals struck a war against their
religion influenced by the western media and persuaded by
the advocates of secularization via media in order to rein-
force secularism and combat Islam.
Nonetheless, if Muslim communities had to reduce the
risk of freemasonry and secularization considering that
freemasonry is a secret society closely related to Zionism
that penetrates through resonant slogans as the slogans of
the French Revolution, which earned the admiration of
young Arabs and Muslims, especially since it has raised the
slogan of freedom, justice and equality which led many dis-
tinguishedArab and Muslims to join freemasonry as well as
many leaders and activists including capitalists and govern-
ment employers.
From this reality and proceeding from the right of Islamic
and Arab community to defend itself against this devastat-
ing power by leading all Muslim members out of this orga-
nization. Subsequently, Islamic State should enact laws that
prohibit this organization. Moreover, its members should
confront comprehensive social boycott strictly prohibiting