Page 152 - fahed el salam-EN-WEB

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If war was only restricted to the Islam because Christi-
anity has witnessed a noticeable decline due to the strikes
of positive laws as mentioned earlier, thus the secular state
no longer has an urgent need to set up barricades for its
confrontation since secularism is the dominating aspect in
the Christian world, and not Christianity.
Proceeding from this reality in the confrontation of Is-
lamic awakening, secularism has declared an uncompro-
mising war against Islam taking advantage of the spiritual
emptiness within the majority of intellectuals and young
people, through a series of principles and applications that
reject religion, condemn all forms of faith and disbelieve
in any moral or social value attributed to the divine power,
thus striving to separate religion from state as a prelude
to abolish the acknowledgment of religion and values ​at-
tributed to it. Secularism brought by the Christian west in
which it has originated, grown up and found an appropriate
atmosphere supported by the darkness and injustice of the
Christian clergy which committed the most heinous crimes
against the mind and devoted the control of religious people
who aggrieved and exploited religion for their own inter-
ests and positions and they mostly opposed knowledge and
knowledgeable people as it was the case in the Middle Ages
The response to this injustice was equal in its violence
and opposite in its direction since the thinkers and i n tel-