Page 14 - fahed el salam-EN-WEB

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a normal human life, where man lives within systems ca-
pable of grasping his ambition and giving rein to his talents,
rather than spoiling his life in futile conflicts.
Today, we have a long march that witnesses changes in
the Arab region, changes which I do see as stormy. In his or
her reality, each and every one of us lives and perceives the
obstacles and how some sort of suppression is used. Since
we are facing this, we have to be armed with our culture
which satisfies all the needs of the Arab citizen in his so-
ciety to guarantee the safety of the society, no matter how
various its affiliations are.
Despite context-free or context-bound possibilities and
circumstances, or the challenges related to the reality where
it finds an authority imposing its opinion on it from outside
its culture, and contrary to its culture, the society must re-
volt and rise up because corruption, tyranny and hegemony
have no place in our culture as true Muslims.
It also goes without saying that the cultural, education-
al and even media systems have vast and boundless hori-
zons. There is also no room for a short-sighted vision of the
meaning and content of science and knowledge, which our
Islamic culture comprises, within a society suppressed by
an authority which cares only for its own interests, as the
case may be in most of the Arab countries. Just to cite an