Page 147 - fahed el salam-EN-WEB

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tant on the regard of keeping pace with time.
Therefore, Muslims were obliged to overcome their
sense of inferiority and prove the fact that Islam is not
necessarily synonymous with poverty, disease and under-
development since this rumor is often spread by the West
to the extent that it became a stereotype which comes to
mind whenever mentioning Arab or Muslims. Moreover,
the most surprising and puzzling aspect is the brain drain
into the west since these immigrants are building the west-
ern culture and supplying it with experience and knowledge
while the Arab and Muslims are mired in disputes and con-
flicts wherein regimes conduct hostility against their people
instead of developing their people, supplying them with
the means of advancement, encouraging them to adhere to
their cultural originality, and proving that Islam is unlike
the rumors westerners spread claiming it is the religion of
underdevelopment and disability and that Muslim is still
very ignorant and the western development resulted from
their adherence to democracy.
This method is pursued to lure the Muslim thinkers in
order to turn their backs to Islam and look with admira-
tion towards the western pattern as the alternative for the
development of the society, raising the standards of living
ignoring the obvious clear truth that their development re-
sults from steeling the wealth of nations and exploiting the