Page 135 - fahed el salam-EN-WEB

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monks who have dedicated themselves to serve humanity.
Therefore, the greediness of the kings controlling decision-
making positions urged them to strike tyrannous wars under
the slogan of the supporting Christ, thus the Crusader wars
erupted causing great distress in Islamic countries.
Additionally, the industrial renaissance that Europe has
witnessed and the great scientific development granted the
Christian Europe great production and tremendous means
of strength. As a result, the movement of colonialism has
arisen allowing the Christian Europe to dominate most of
the world. During this period, humanity has witnessed an
unjust stage in which the money of people was stolen, and
their wealth was plundered, and the most dangerous among
all was the spread of corruption and dissemination of ha-
tred between people and driving them towards underde-
velopment and discrimination by stimulating the sectarian
strife and creating conflicts of racism to enable colonialism
to dominate and plunder the wealth of vulnerable people.
Therefore, the drawbacks of colonialism and its destructive
schemes continued to implement its destructive and devas-
tating impact even after the end of colonialism and its di-
rect demise and after the liberation of most of the colonized
states since the hotbeds of tension and partisanship that co-
lonialism has left behind were like combustible materials
and reasons for fighting and strife.