Page 116 - fahed el salam-EN-WEB

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for taking decision and reaching for certainty that cannot
be attained except through mind. Subsequently, Islam has
come at the early medieval i.e. in the era during which the
Western world fought mind in an uncompromised way and
restrained thinkers by using the worst kinds of treatment
and the comprehensible evidence on this was the Inquisi-
In other words, we can say that:
If Islam is a friend of philosophy, then the reason behind
that lies in the active mind and thought and encouragement
of meditation. We could also say that the muslims are those
who gave life to the dead Greek philosophy, translated it
into Arabic and many other languages, explained its im-
plications and revived its terminology. Moreover, several
names and leaders emerged such as Ibn Rushd, Al-Farabi,
Ibn al-Farid and many others… although philosophy has
failed to pursue the truth leading to certitude. Eventually,
philosophy reached a dead-end where it was incapable of
realizing the truth and attaining the sententious answers to
the big questions relating to the origin and continuity of ex-
istence. Consequently, it announced its death when Marx-
ism inverted it upside down and its misery was manifested
by Proudhon. We have lived to see the end of Marxism that
inherited philosophy and crowned it after it announced its
emptiness and failure to be a human alternative finding so-