Page 49 - fahed el salam-EN-WEB

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After the emergence of Sociology and , setting it as an
academic subject that has a definition and content and after
the impact of the Orientalists’ extensive studies,, the urgent
need for reconsideration of the way history is written be-
comes quiet clear . Therefore, events are not anymore ad-
dressed on the basis of identifying the winner and the loser
in the battles. However, the importance lies in the war mo-
tives, consequences, and lessons learnt from it and whether
humanity has advanced or declined whereby.
In this field, Arnold Toynbee emerged in "War
and Civilization"and Will Durant in "The Story of
Civilization"and Roland Mousnier and Morris Cozier in the
history of civilizations and many others, thus proving that a
new concept has imposed itself on the circle of debate, and
in the areas of research.
This concept is represented by "Civilization"along
with another concept that is "Urbanism"that is contradic-
tory to the word "Nomadism"which means living and re-