Page 37 - fahed el salam-EN-WEB

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is the recognition of the other even if he was an adversary
or enemy, democrats were required to survive and I mean
those who acknowledge democracy in both word and deed,
and in discourse and spirit as in the case of ancient Greece:
"In that country and at that time, there was a parliament
called the Council of three hundred. When elections were
held, some won and others lost. One of the losers left the
place and on his face appeared the signs of satisfaction, so
someone asked him about the reason of his contentment
even though he has lost. He said:
"I am pleased because Athena has three hundred
people better than Me". i.e. those who won the elec-
This is the way democrats should be and this is the goal
Fahad Al-Salem Center is seeking to achieve. As a result,
no one can monopolize or claim to own the truth. Thus, ex-
change of authority and power rotation becomes a normal
procedure based on maintaining national interests without
using of position or monopoly power.
We are pleased, each time we discuss democracy, to
remember the old times and ages during which the Arab
world was a spring that spreads culture and science in the
entire world. We remember the days when Bagdad was the
chief city of the world and Andalusia the beacon of science