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for us as it put all its capabilities and expertise in the field
of dialogue among civilizations and the defense of human
rights and freedoms under the control of the Center.
Probably, the word "Freedom"which seems to be simple
and indicative of a concept appears to be ambiguous to a
large extent. The first meaning that comes to mind on hear-
ing this word is its contradiction with slavery. This definition
was the exhaustive meaning of the word "freedom"until the
age of slavery has come to an end However, man becomes
a permanent slave to new forms of slavery. However, this
slavery does not appear to be blatant as in the ancient slav-
ery method.
The word "freedom"in this situation became a more
pressing demand than ever especially that it has diversified
and appeared in numerous fields. It is true that the Univer-
sal Declaration of Human Rights in the United Nations has
put "Freedom"at the forefront of these rights. Nonetheless,
their implementation stayed selective apart from transpar-
ency and justice.
Therefore, and despite that Fahad Al-Salem Center does
not aim at being an alternative for anyone, works on restor-
ing the importance of this word "Freedom"and considers it
one if its priorities and concerns. We, as Fahad Al-Salem
Center, believe that defining freedom as an antithesis for