Page 21 - fahed el salam-EN-WEB

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tory indicates a set of events and wars between human be-
ings that resulted in destruction and calamity, and the spread
of misery and diseases. Moreover, whenever humanity and
its conscience heal from wars and calamity, new wars out-
break causing more bitterness and severe impact and so on
until other wars erupt, through what is called cultural wars.
The observation of historians revolves around the rela-
tion between different civilizations, which many of them
believed it to be based on conflict. Regarding this point, the
concept of conflict is actualized in two stages of develop-
ment within each civilization. The civilization of the Iron
Age has defeated that of the bronze, and so on till we reach
the current era, where conflict between civilizations would
fatally lead to the development of armament and means of
destruction. In addition, many aspects increase the risk, as
wars became institutions that do not relate to civilization.
Hence, they do not aim at imposing idealism that leads the
people towards development, happiness and luxury. On
the contrary, these wars became a reason for exploitation,
domination, and stealing wealth in line with the objective of
colonialism- in principle- i.e. the development of communi-
ties dominated by primitiveness and underdevelopment.
The best evidence for the above mentioned is stated in
the Holy Quran , in Surat of Hud, Verse Number (61)