Page 193 - fahed el salam-EN-WEB

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Since the dawn of humanity, when the human communi-
ty was formed as the first stable community, each individual
was entitled to possess his own belongings, residence and
home with the right to defend his properties. Furthermore,
the community should acknowledge this right, defend it
with him and respect his privacy and discretion regarding
his own possessions. This right is indisputable as we no-
tice its legitimacy in all the laws and legislations whether
written by legislators from people or resulting from divine
revelation to prophes and apostles.
Islam has guaranteed the right of ownership and dedi-
cated the laws and legislations, thus it extended beyond the
boundaries of Islamic community so that this right would
be dedicated and guaranteed for the people living under the
control of Islam as well.
We quote the statement of Prophet Mohammad to
Quash who fought him and sought to kill him and wage