Page 183 - fahed el salam-EN-WEB

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Islamic economy is considered the last resort for hu-
manity suffering from the tyranny of capitalism after its ri-
val, the Soviet Union, retreated paving the way for capital-
ism to practice the ugliest acts of tyranny and oppression on
the world’s poor, whether nations or individuals…
So that this claim would not be an empty allegation,
we should present proofs on the eligibility of the "Islamic
economy"being a final alternative for humanity…
Therefore, we will present some of the features of the
economic theory in Islam characterized by the following:
Islamic economy is an economic doctrine not
an economic science…particularly that science
is just a theory that separately explains economic
realities apart from the goals and ideals…
Alternatively, the economic doctrine includes all the
economic rules attributed to the idea of social justice
shedding the light on the idea of "Justice"sought by Is-