Page 181 - fahed el salam-EN-WEB

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the right of the other in governance, as long as he may pos-
sess the majority in the parliament, because he will earn
the approval of the other party to rule, take over the public
order, and apply his own theory of governance while the
opposition shall abide by the law and the proper function-
ing of the state apparatus without causing any troubles and
obstacles during the implementation of the plans of gover-
nance, development and relationships, even if not approve
them partially or totally.
This opposition, although it may be outside governance,
distinguishes the democratic system due to its compliance
with stable standards based on the principle of separation
of powers and neutrality of army and other armed forces.
Moreover, it ensures non-interference of these forces in po-
litical affairs so that they would be under the command of
the civil authority and their activity would be limited to de-
fending the country and maintaining security.
It is true that the opposition within the democratic sys-
tem is not the main source of authority, yet it constitutes
an element that monitors the executive authority, shows its
mistakes, and limits its complete control over governance
whether via media or through accountability and debate in
the parliament so that this debate and that accountability
would not lead to the disruption of public order and desta-
bilization of the society since it holds the street in leash and