Page 179 - fahed el salam-EN-WEB

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Opposition is a novel concept in the world of politics
since it was not present or even justified by the totalitarian
systems, or countries ruled by one party as well as tribal
systems since there was no way even to express an opin-
ion opposing that of the leader within this community of
Despite that, the ancient Greek has witnessed opposition
whilst they established a remarkable form of political meet-
ing manifested in choosing "deputies"through referendum.
Thus, through development and stability of human societ-
ies, people who were victims of forced labor had the aspira-
tion to earn their human rights by confronting slavery sys-
tems. Therefore, people have witnessed several revolutions
within civilized societies such as the Spartacus revolution
in Athens and Zinj rebellion in Iraq. Alternatively, revolu-
tion was represented in a negative form by the Jaahili Arab
by means of a striking phenomenon lead by al-Shu’araa’ al-