Page 145 - fahed el salam-EN-WEB

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occurred by accusing Muslims of terrorism, and defaming
them via sophisticated networks of media, satellites, and
publications that claim Islam abridges the freedom of wom-
en, exceeds human rights and devotes slavery and other un-
justifiable charges.
Second: revelation of the Western-Christian society as
a civilizational model that guarantees the freedom, justice,
and equality and insures the welfare and happiness, thus the
political and administrative regime is an ideal system that
all the people of the world should pursue in order to live
a pleasant blissful life under "democracy"after they intro-
duced the western democracy into the mind of "thinkers"as
the ideal system to be emulated in spite of the downsides
and disadvantages dominating this pattern of governance
We do not aim at identifying the defects and cons of this
system, but we are obliged to recognize that it is: the least
bad regime… and this regime is one of the known patterns
based on the "majority"rule disregarding that this majority
could be forged or its number could be fulfilled by adver-
tisement, resonant speeches and bribe along with buying
receivables and centers of influence. All this occurs within
the supposed "equality"among all human beings i.e. equal-
ity between the most knowledgeable, and developed minds
and any ignorant or stupid. The equality between these