Page 137 - fahed el salam-EN-WEB

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Western culture which imposed on them the pursuance of
Westerners, the emulation of their morals, approval of their
behavior patterns and obedience to their materialistic phi-
losophy. Therefore, Muslims have abandoned the ethics of
the east and its philosophy since our thinkers know a lot
about the poets, writers and philosophers of the west. How-
ever, they are totally ignorant of the eastern ethics and phi-
losophies that enfold the warmth of the east and the eastern
Any student in middle school of his education in all the
Muslim and Arab countries speaks about Voltaire, Lamar-
tine, and Shakespeare, yet he does not know anything about
Tagore. Subsequently, the Westernization started sneaking
into our mind and heart to the extent that it almost dimin-
ished our individual characteristics, patterns of behavior
and our main interests and concerns.
Since we stated the anti-Islamic movements, and after
talking about the great hostility of Jews towards Islam al-
though this religion has acknowledged Judaism as a divine
religion, consecrated its Prophet s and approved the Ten
Commandments that Judaism has propagated; in spite of
tolerating them, disregarding their conspiracies and breach
of covenant, they did not proceed to treat Islam likewise.
Moreover, the evident proof on the tolerance of Islam goes
back to the time when Andalusia was overpowered by Mus-