Page 130 - fahed el salam-EN-WEB

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solutist Quraish and ended absolutism from the Arab com-
munity which caused the Prophet (PBUH) to mention in
his farewell pilgrimage during his speech the following:
"Satan despairs of ever being worshipped in this land of
yours. He will be pleased, however, if he is obeyed"
It was obvious with respect to the Prophet (PBUH)
that the absolutist of Quraish would not accept defeat and
yield to it, hence he warned from Obedience to evil people
who continued to provoke hostility of Islam by rousing the
tribes and weak people to turn against their descendants,
thus, the wars of Apostasy emerged. After Muslims de-
feated the polytheists and stability prevailed, internal wars
of another kind stroke, especially after the vast conquests,
and the elimination of the Persian Empire. The status of
the west wing in the Roman Empire was agitated. In addi-
tion, populist and intellectual tendencies emerged resulting
in the appearance of various Muslim groups established on
several doctrinal and sectarian bases, thus the harmony of
Islamic unity was deranged to a large extent. Consequently,
wars, strife, and revolutions took place soon after the termi-
nation of the caliphate particularly following the death of
Othman (R.A.) and Imam Ali (A.S), and the corruption of
many governors subsequent to the domination of their rela-