Page 121 - fahed el salam-EN-WEB

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able sin.
Nonetheless, we adopt this call for dialogue and attempt
for persuasion and we work on its activation through agree-
ment on a centrist position which proceeds to demonstrate
the truth by persuading the polytheist and the hostile and
granting him the opportunity to examine the content of the
Islamic call which aims at attaining peace and happiness
under the power of Allah almighty. This becomes more ob-
vious during wars with polytheists when Islam offers per-
suasion by practice, morality and tolerance to the polythe-
ist who does not fight muslims using weapons since Islam
orders for offering help and taking care of the grieved, fu-
gitive or miserable polytheist who asks for protection and
security in times of fear and weakness.
The Holy Quran orders for offering assistance to the
polytheist, taking care of him, granting him safety and pro-
viding him with all the psychological and physical care
needed. In addition, it also requires ensuring his way and
taking him to where he feels safe…
This comes within the framework of the call to Allah by
wisdom and good advice as stated in Verse No. (6) of Surat
"And if any one of the polytheists seeks your protection,
then grant him protection so that he may hear the words of