Page 58 - fahed el salam-EN-WEB

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importance. Nonetheless, these miracles that were consid-
ered a deviation from the laws of nature happened once and
for all. Subsequently, their effect can’t last forever. Thus,
their value would be bound to the period of their witnesses
and does not have any impact on the progression of times
and succession of ages. Consequently, believing or unbe-
lieving does not determine the course of matters and does
not enforce the patterns of behavior.
With the advent of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), the
situation changed and the Prophetic miracle was mainly
represented by the Holy Quran that confirmed the divine
messages he is sent with and added to them the divine laws
that ensure the happiness, safety, tranquility and prosper-
ity of a human being. At the same time, it tells information
about the precedents and the history of the former nations
and humanity before the era of codification. Therefore, his
miracle became general, comprehensive, permanent and
was not linked to an explicit time, noting that the Islamic
message came with laws regarding life and death, general
and comprehensive, keeping pace with all ages and renewed
by life renewal.
Dialogue…and Debate
It is true that the term "Dialogue"and the words derived
from it were not mentioned in the Holy Quran except in
three locations in Surat of Al-Kahf, Verse No. (34) and No.