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their horses have arrived and restored the relation with
the divine powers after the deterioration this relation has
reached during the European new and ancient Jaahili era
and by means of the inquisitions and the crimes committed
by Europeans against the intellectuals in the Middle Ages.
The mercy demonstrated by Muslims in the States they
conquered could be obviously proved through sheltering
Jews who were persecuted as Will Durant mentioned in
his book"The Story of Philosophy". Jews have found their
shelter in Arab Spain and worked as Muslims requested in
transferring Greek culture, and contributing to the practical
life. Moreover, they financed the trade trips for Portuguese
and Spaniards to find a place in the world where they would
be safe from the Europeans.
Therefore, Islamic Civilization is based on promoting
peace, tranquility, and mutual understanding between the
people especially that this civilization characterized by hu-
manity and mercy remains the glowing hope for this era
that has an urgent need to restore the relation with the sent
Prophet s. Subsequently, this civilization is the only one ca-
pable of acting as the solid foundation for the convergence
of all the other civilizations within this hurricane that the
world is about to fall into.