Page 168 - fahed el salam-EN-WEB

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tolerance, and love after materiality prevailed and capital-
ism dominated on the political and social decision-making
centers. Subsequently, the philosophy of "pragmatism"or
utilitarian philosophy took over the situation especially in
the United States, i.e. the most influential country in Europe
and the world.
Subsequent to this small introduction, the influence and
impact of divine religions in the West has steadily declined
and the area of commitment to morals has dramatically di-
minished to the extent that the west has sacrificed morals
attributed to divine religions on the altar of materialistic
technology depriving it of its human values related to rules
of social behavior so that tolerance, and love prevail and
peace spread all over.
Running an eye on the issues before discussing the facts
taking place in the western world, it is inevitable to start
from the prejudice to the Prophet (PBUH) through the at-
tempts of some workers in the institutions of opinion and
media and undermining the sanctity of this great Prophet
pursuing a carefully programmed plan supported by global
budgets, platforms and institutions defending and including
it in the "freedom of conscience"and this claim was proved
to be wrong by virtue of facts and events particularly some
western legislations defending "Semitism"and punishing
all who once questioned the "Holocaust"or so-called Nazi