Page 164 - fahed el salam-EN-WEB

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on the needy people as a prelude to make them depart from
their religion and follow Christianity that arranged and sent
missions wherein an urgent need for assistance is required
as an introduction to discredit Islam and distort its image
especially when it promotes the differences between Mus-
lims and Arabs and between Islamic communities whose
only differ in their opinions based on juristic deduction or-
ganized by laws issued by virtue of Allah the merciful and
not resulting from positive laws that the powerful people
created to dominate over the vulnerable.
Despite the previously stated juristic deduction emerg-
ing from multiple schools of jurisprudence, yet they all
agreed on the major truths regarding the fundamentals and
branches of Islam at the time they disagree on secondary
details. Therefore, orientalism tries to establish strikes by
making them bases for battles and strife. However, this cre-
ates difference between Muslims and between their history
and morals. Consequently, it became an easy prey for all
the sickness and diseases produced by the west via its ter-
rible media and advertisement mechanisms which harbor
torment and pretend mercy.
Therefore, the situation unveils its dangerousness after
the gathering of enemies against Islam alerting horrible
minds, and extremely dangerous and influential evil meth-
ods to demolish its foundations. Subsequently, they entered