Page 159 - fahed el salam-EN-WEB

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after seeing its past and recent actions against the Palestin-
ian people, we have to witness its deeds in Chechnya, Kash-
mir and Afghanistan.
Within these Islamic regions, the west experienced its
military force and developed its killing machine not seek-
ing to occupy the land and steal the resources, but intending
to keep an entire generation captivated by need and desti-
tution, subject to fights and sectarianism after it destroyed
all life facilities. However, in the countries where it was
not capable of destroying by means of terrible advanced
weapons, it sought after destroying them from the inside so
that the increase in the number of poor justifies crime and
organized crime by raising fear and terror so that the con-
cern of people would be limited to staying alive. Poverty,
thus, becomes the main aspect in the disintegration of fam-
ily affecting the community cohesion and its social integ-
rity. In addition, the social relationships based on interests
prevail as an alternative of associability and citizenship.
This abnormality in social relations is justified through an
advanced media system within the framework of emptying
the Islam from its content after the west raised the slogan
"The Clash of Civilizations"and struck to achieve the domi-
nation of the western materialist civilization which grants
pleasure through immorality and opportunism instead of
commitment, commercializing more products so that peo-