Page 139 - fahed el salam-EN-WEB

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culture in several forms and different ways. Thus, the idea
of hostile and beastly colonialism emerged claiming to be
a colonialism that seeks to transfer primitive people into
the Age of Enlightenment and support them on their way
towards development and evolution.
Indeed, this was a disguise for the ugly face that devoted
underdevelopment instead of eliminating it, disseminated
its flaws and disadvantages in the colonized areas, estab-
lished differences and tricked the constituent elements of a
society based on a known colonial rule that paid off benefits
with respect to this colonization, which is the idea of "di-
vide and conquer"representing a prelude behind the domi-
nation of a small number of soldiers on communities in a
wide area of large population.
Western colonialism disguised by Christianity defraud-
ed Islam using a sustained attempt that took two different
Distortion of Islamic teachings.
Continuous speculation about Christianity and
calling Muslims towards it.
Regarding the first form, westerners sought to the distor-
tion of Islam and formulation of stereotypes to disregard
the advantages of this true religion.
The first among these stereotypes was to shed light on the